1. Cell Biology and Metabolism

Cell Structure and Components

Core Concepts

  1. Cell membranes
    • composed of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates
  2. The plasma membrane
    • a selective barrier
    • controls the movement of molecules between the inside and the outside of the cell
  3. The endomembrane system
    • interconnected system of membranes
    • e.g., nuclear envelope, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparartus, lysosomes, vesicles, and plasma membrane
  4. Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
    • Organelles involved in energy harvesting
    • Evolved from free-living prokaryotes

Cell Theory

Evolution of Cellular Differentiation



Cell Membranes


Lipid Structures


Membrane Proteins

The Plasma Membranes



Hypertonic Hypotonic

Plant Cell Wall and Vacuoles


Magnaporthe grisea and turgor pressure

Types of Transport

Passive Transport

Active Transport

The Endomembrane System

Intercellular Movement of Molecules

The Nuclear Envelope

The Endoplasmic Reticulum

The Golgi Apparatus


Mitochondria and Chloroplasts

Distinguishing features of plants

Metabolism and Cell Energy

Core concepts

  1. Metabolism: the set of biochemical reactions that transform biomolecules and transfers energy
  2. Kinetic energy: energy of motion
  3. Potential energy: stored energy
  4. The laws of thermodynamics: law that governs energy flow in biological systems

What do cells need?

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)



Metabolic Classification


Types of Reactions

Kinetic Energy

Potential Energy

Chemical Energy

Packaged Energy

The Laws of Thermodynamics

First Law of Thermodynamics

Second Law of Thermodynamics



Metabolism and Energy Efficiency of Human Host



Chemical Reactions an Enzymes

Core Concepts

  1. Chemical Reactions: involve the breaking and forming of bonds
  2. Energetic Coupling: spontaneous reactions drive a non-spontaneous reactions
  3. Enzymes: protein catalysts that can increase the rate of biochemical reactions
  4. Allosteric Enzymes: an enzyme that is activated or inhibited when binding to another moecule changes its shape

Chemical Reactions

Free Radicals (Reactive Oxygen Species)

Gibbs Free Energy ($\Delta G$)

Energy Available $$\text{Total Energy} (H)=\text{energy available to do work} + \text{energy lost to entropy}$$ $$\Delta G = \Delta H - T\Delta S$$

Gibbs Energy in different reactions

Energetic Coupling



Note that the two reactions share $P_i$, resulting in a coupled reaction


Note that the entire process is still considered spontaneous as the Gibbs free energy is negative after driving the energonic reaction

Intermediate Free Energy

Rate of a Reaction


Protein catalysts that can increase the rate of biochemical reactions

Enzyme Shape

Active Site Formation

Activators & Inhibitors

Why are some mushrooms toxic to human beings?

Allosteric Enzymes

Regulation of Chemical Reactions

Cellular Respiration I

Core concepts

  1. Cellular Respiration: a seris of catabolic reactions that convert the energy in fuel molecules into ATP
  2. Glycolysis: the partial oxidation of glucose, results in the production of pyruvates, ATP, and reduced electron carriers
  3. Pyruvate Oxidation: pyruvate is oxidized to acetyle-CoA, connecting glycolysis to the citric acid cycle
  4. The Citric Acid Cycle: results in the complete oxidation of fuel molecules, the generation of ATP and reduced electron carriers
  5. The Electron Transport Chain: transfers electrons from electron carriers to oxygen using the energy released to pump protons and synthesize ATP by oxidative phosphorylation

Cellular Respiration

A series of catabolic reactions that convert the energy in fuel molecules into ATP

Stages of Cellular Respiration

  1. Glycolysis (cytoplasm)
  2. Pyruvate Oxidation (Mitochondria)
  3. Citric Acid Cycle (Mitochondria)
  4. Oxidative Phosphorylation (Mitochondria)

Generating ATP

Oxidation-Reduction Reactions

Electron carriers



The partial oxidation of glucose and results in the production of pyruvate, as well as ATP and reduced electron carriers

Phase 1


Phase 2


Phase 3


Products of Glycolysis $$4 ATP - 2 ATP = 2 ATP \text{ (net gain)}$$ $$2 NADH$$ $$2 Pyruvate$$

Pyruvate Oxidation

Pyruvate is oxidized to acetyle-CoA, connecting glycolysis to the citric acid cycle

Products of Pyruvate Oxidation $$2 \times 1 CO_2$$ $$2 \times 1 NADH$$ $$2 \times 1 \text{Acetyle-CoA}$$

Citric Acid Cycle

Results in the complete oxidation of fuel molecules and the generation of ATP and reduced electron carriers

Products of Citric Acid Cycle

$$2 \times 1 ATP$$ $$2 \times 3 NADH$$ $$2 \times 1 FADH_2$$ $$2 \times 2 CO_2$$

Electron Transport Chain

Transfers electrons from electron carriers to oxygen, using the energy released to pump protons and synthesize ATP by oxidative phosphorylation

Electron transport


Proton transport and ATP synthesis


ATP Synthase


Cellular Respiration II

Core Concepts

  1. Anaerobic Metabolism: breakdown of glucose through fermentation, produces a modest amount of ATP
  2. Fermentation: a process for extracting energy from fuel molecules without relying on oxygen or ETC, use an organic molecule
  3. Metabolic Integration: metabolic pathways are integrated, allowing control of the energy level of cells

The Flow of Energy in Cellular Respiration

Anaerobic Metabolism



Lactic acid Fermentation

Ethanol Fermentation

Rising Levels of Atmospheric Oxygen

Metabolic Integration

Glycogen Storage

How other Sugars contribute to Glycolysis

Ruminants and Microbes

Evolution of Mitochondria

Hydrogenosomes in Anaerobic Fungi

Regulation of Cellular Respiration


Photosynthesis I

Core Concepts:

  1. Photosynthesis: the major pathway by which energy and carbon are incorporated into carbohydrates
  2. The Calvin Cycle: a three-step process that synthesizes carbohydrates from carbon dioxide
  3. Capturing Sunlight into Chemical Forms: the light-harvesting reactions that use sunlight to produce the ATP and NADPH required by the Calvin Cycle


Energy in Biological Systems

Survival in Diverse Environment

Uncommon Photosynthetic Players

General Equation for Photosynthesis $$CO_2 + H_2O \rightarrow C_6H_{12}O_6 + O_2$$


The Chloroplast

Cellular Respiration vs. Photosynthesis


The Calvin Cycle

Three steps

  1. Carboxylation: addition of CO2 to the 5-carbon compound, RuBP (done by rubisco)
  1. Reduction: energy input form ATP and NADPH
  1. Regeneration of RuBP: 3-carbon compounds are reorganized and combined to produce RuBP

Energy Storage

Sunlight into Chemical Forms

Light Absorption

Chlorophyll Light Absorption

Reaction Center

Photosynthesis II

Core Concepts

  1. Photosynthesis Challenge: challenges to the efficiency of photosynthesis include excess light energy and the oxygenase activity of rubisco
  2. The evolution of photosynthesis: a profound impact on life on Earth

Photosynthesis Challenge

Reaction Center


Two Photosystems


Proton Accumulation

Cyclic Electron Transport

Photosynthesis Challenge I: excess light energy

Reactive Oxygen Species



Photosynthetic Challenge II: the oxygenase activity of rubisco



Photosynthetic Efficiency


-Efficiency of <4%

Cell-free Solar-to-starch Efficiency

The evolution of photosynthesis

Step 1: two phosotytems


Step 2: endosymbiosis


Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT)

Methods prevalent in Prokaryotes

HGT between Eukaryotes

Note: ghost plant cannto photosynthesize -> steal from fungi Note: red maple leaves still can perform photosynthesis through other yellow/brown coloured pigments


hypertonic: having a lower concentration of solute

hypotonic: having a higher concentration of solute

mutualist: a type of relationship between the host and symbiont where both organisms benefit and no one is harmed

commensal: a type of relationsip between the host and symbiontwhere one species obtains food or other benefits from the other without harming or benefiting the latter